The Specialist's Perspective

Your perspective is the key to unlocking transformation.

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Gratitude is a Practice

You’ll notice I said practice right? Practice is a process – it’s not a perfect thing, it’s not a task that’s done and over once it’s done and over.. it’s a process of performing an action repeatedly and through that process learning… In the perspective shifters group right now we’re talking about energy and intention – This plays into that.

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Specialist’s Perspectives

Specialist’s Perspectives

It took me years to figure out how I could create sustainable focus and effort on the things I wanted, the way I wanted, and with who I wanted.  It took a series of pivotal moments – like a retreat activity here – a goal setting class there – a define your desire webinar and a co-worker or leader that was brilliant. All those moments left me with something that helped me to find myself again. 

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