Hey There, Welcome to the Specialist’s Perspective!

If you don’t know us, that’s okay – it won’t be long and you’ll feel at home.  At least, I hope you do.  My name is Stephanie Kunkel, and I’m the founder of the Perspective Shifter’s Hub.  Before I tell you about the the hub, or give you the story behind the specialist’s perspectives blog let me tell you a little bit about me.

My Background

I’m probably most known as a serial entrepreneur.  I have 20+ years of experience in sales.  Including 10 years in direct sales as a sex education consultant, 7 years consulting for Fortune 500 companies, Photography, and I’ve even authored a book.  My passions are really psychology, experiencing life, and helping others. My values – Love, Openness, and Intention.

It wasn’t always like this though. I would often have wild ups and downs where I would feel like I was failing so I would take action, do all of the things, do more, be more, give more, share more, work more, set big goals and give all of me until there was nothing left to give. I didn’t know what balance was.  It was either all or nothing. And frankly, it rarely did a whole lot to move the needle.

The Burnout Bandwagon

When I would finally reach the point of burnout I would always turn it inward and beat up on myself.  Often I’d hear a voice inside that would say things like… “You’re just not cut out for this.” “You Should just quit.” While I wouldn’t ever completely concede or wave the white flag, I would “break” for a while.   One of my mentors at some point explained how I would light the fire and just about the time the train would hit full speed, I’d stop fueling the fire.   Which is a great analogy. 

I would push so hard, forget to take care of myself and abandon ME… I would be left living on caffeine and courage, feeling responsible for everything and everyone, feeling alone, and ready to quit everything – including life. Obviously, this led to periods of depression, anxiety, and hopelessness. I didn’t know at the time that it was burnout.

What Changed?

It took me years to figure out how I could create sustainable focus and effort on the things I wanted, the way I wanted, and with who I wanted.  It took a series of pivotal moments – like a retreat activity here – a goal setting class there – a define your desire webinar and a co-worker or leader that was brilliant. All those moments left me with something that helped me to find myself again.  As much as I’d love to tell you that I have everything figured out – I can’t.  I’m still on my own journey to remembering what it’s like to take care of ME. But I can tell you that the moments of overwhelm and anxiety are much shorter.  

So how am I breaking the cycles?

Well, the first thing was to find a plan for finding clarity – figuring out what works for me (LOVE,)  prioritizing what’s important for me (Openness,) integrating my purpose with everything I do (Intention,) and crafting a community of people who will compassionately hold me accountable, support me, and encourage me.

As I did this I realized that I’m not alone – Many women in business (whether they’re owners, or leadership teams, or just starting their careers) experience this.  Especially if you’re balancing trauma healing, or a family along with a career.  So, now I help other women figure out how to find purpose, peace, clarity, community, and success.  Which leads me to the Perspective Shifter’s Hub.

About the Hub

Initially I started the hub as a place for executives to go to get training on how to shift their perspective.   It didn’t take me long though, to realize that those that were gravitating toward us weren’t just executives but also business owners (especially women solopreneurs who were specialists in their fields.)  I think that in part it’s because we take a WHOLE-istic approach because you are a WHOLE person with a WHOLE life.  Which means that while we focus on business and leadership development – the truth is, it’s not always going to be the priority.

So I worked in collaboration with these other specialists to find a way to raise all tides. Specialist’s gave their Perspectives on all areas dealing with mental health (which is really just life.) And we created the hub, and now the blog – Specialist’s Perspectives.

When I created the Hub I remembered that in the times I needed it most, I couldn’t afford coaching, or counseling.   I could barely afford gas to work that week.  So rather than charging thousands of dollars (even though I know the programs we’re offering is worth at least that)  I’ve set the prices to something I could have found a way to pay when I was in need.  Our hope is that we can help anyone craft a financial, emotional, and physical life that allows them to buy in to any of our specialist’s highest ticket paid coaching programs when they need that in depth support, but for now, we’ll provide the support you need to find balance, clarity, purpose and success. You can get access here.

Why Specialist’s Perspectives?

So, thus far, I’ve found a total of 12 experts to help teach women the business and life skills it takes to hack it.  (Correction, not to just hack it, but to shine in their authentic selves, succeed, and love themselves.)  We coach, offer courses, trainings, and community on every area of life, and if we don’t have something you need, we’ll find it. And now, we’re starting a blog to bring resources and advice front and center to our discussions.

This is one of my proudest accomplishments in my life, and I am so grateful to our Advisory Board, our community members, and to you. If you’ve made it this far, I appreciate you… and your time. 

As a thank you for spending time learning about us, check out my free Elevation Planning Guide here: https://email.perspectiveshifters.com/elevationguide

Stephanie Kunkel

Stephanie Kunkel


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