A Young Girl working on a math worksheet. She wears glasses and a purple sweatshirt. She is a change maker in progress.

Change Making isn’t for Everyone

by May 17, 2024Career, Mental Health, Perspective Shifting0 comments

To the change making dreamers and the doers, I say to you – Why not?

I’ve dreamt of the impossible… over and over again.  I’ve been told to get my head out of the clouds, to stop “thinking” and start “doing.”  That I’d never “get anywhere” if I didn’t “get real” and “buckle down” on the things I was “supposed to be doing.”  If this sounds familiar, than lets chat.

When I was a child, I was told “You can be anything you want to be.”  I had all of these dreams and lists of occupations I wanted to try including: astronaut, singer, writer, marine biologist (thank you Lisa Frank,) Teacher, Scientist, Figure Skater, Minister, Rainforest Conservationist, Chef, a psychologist and I’m sure I could go on and on. I had high hopes that I could be a change maker. But, I didn’t do all of those things because I listened to what other people told me.

They told me…

Someone once told me, at around 8 or 9 years old, that unless I had started skating at the age of 3 or 4. I gave up on the dream of being a figure skater.

Someone told me that I wouldn’t be able to handle the fame of becoming a singer. So I stopped believing I was even good enough to be a professional.

I was told the college for creative writing classes was too expensive. So I gave up on writing the things I loved to write.

I took an astronomy course in college, and because they started off with math and I didn’t believe I was good enough at math, I dropped the course and never went back. 

Someone told me I couldn’t be like Jesus because I’d never be perfect. So I gave up on being a minister. 

I loved to cook until I cooked for someone every day for 10 years who hated the things I loved. I decided I could never be a chef. 

When I was a teenager, I started learning about the brain. I loved the brain and the undiscovered understandings we still have yet to gain. I decided I wanted to be a psychologist, until someone told me that I would never survive. They tole me I wasn’t resilient enough and that psychologists had a high rate of suicide.

When I sold buttons to raise money for rainforest conservation, someone explained to my 10 year old self exactly how devastating the damage to our rainforests was and how one person would never make an impact. So I sought out to make an impact in a different way.

Someone once told me “Those who can’t do, teach.” And I lost my love of teaching.

“Marine Biologists don’t just swim with dolphins all day, they actually have to do scientific research and you’ll get bored.” So, I decided not to even consider it.

Why it wasn’t helpful

“You have to pick a path” Said so many other people. “You can’t do it all,” “We don’t know how to help you,” and “You’re all over the place.”

So, I made myself smaller, I kept my eyes down, and my focus on the easy and achievable.

All of this feedback was given in the spirit of “helping” me… but it actually limited me.  What no one ever told me was that I didn’t have to make things a career. That I didn’t have to actually “pick a path.”  That I could aspire to greatness in all of these things and love the life I’d create in the process.  And I firmly believe that this is one reason why we struggle with mental health in our world.

What they didn’t tell me…

No one ever told me how there were figure skaters who started late. And many more who didn’t make it a career, but a hobby. No one explained to me that Jesus wasn’t perfect, that he was human. No one told me that his ability to minister came from his ability to question everything. Nor did they tell me about all of the other spiritual leaders around the world. If they’d even told me that I didn’t have to minister to inspire. No one told me that I could hire a team of people to help me handle “fame” if my singing career took off. I didn’t have to take classes to become a successful creative writer. I didn’t know that I really wasn’t bad at math, or that psychologists have psychologists.  They didn’t tell me that I wouldn’t be the only one working for rainforest conservation. That Teachers are multi-passionates like me who enjoy encouraging and inspiring others. No one told me that scientific research is far from boring. Or that while I waited on results, I could in fact, spend a lot of time swimming with dolphins.

Impact to mental health

When people “help” us with reality checks the wonder and exploration go missing and our mental health takes a plunge.  We’ve stopped imagining up all of the fun that we could have. Stopped encouraging children (and adults) to go try the thing they want to, and started offering helpful reality checks.  People perceive their own reality. Just like I couldn’t have known about any of the things that people didn’t tell me. They couldn’t have known that someone could do all of these things, without someone having done all of these things. 

I knew that if people could explore new perspectives, they could find the things that would make them happy. And if they could be happy, they could be change makers.  If we spoke to the right decision makers in companies, and brought in the right experts, I knew that we could encourage people to become change makers. I also knew that to be a change maker they’d need to be a perspective shifter. But first, they’d need to figure out what their own perspective was.

When I made the determination to take my business from a side hustle to full time, I was so apprehensive. I knew that perspective shifting was something I needed to bring to the world. And I knew that there were changes that we needed that only fresh change makers could tackle. But there were so many things I had heard echo in my years of why I couldn’t do something, or what I “should be doing,” and because of that doubt, and apprehension I sought out help. Help from other people who I perceived to be doing well in their businesses.  I found new coaches, new courses to take, and new opportunities to learn from people who were incredibly successful.  Oh, and boy did I learn! 

What I learned about myself through my business

I learned a lot about limiting beliefs, and a lot about how to find business on social media.  I learned a lot about how to host events, and a lot about how to find clients from “click funnels.” Overall, the most important thing I learned from them is that in taking feedback directly to heart, I had unlearned the most important things about myself.  I had stopped paying attention to the things that made me, me. Stopped admiring the things that had made me unique and the things that set me apart. I learned that very few of the methods I’d learned about felt “right” to me.  Most felt forced or disingenuous and they conflicted with the way I felt I wanted to do things.

I’d learned that doing things the way other people felt I should do them was directly contradictory to the way I needed to be doing them (in the ways that worked for me.) I would find traction doing something completely different and I’d stop doing it because the voices of others told me that it wasn’t right, that it wouldn’t work, that they had the secrets that they guaranteed would work. But doing things their way didn’t work for me… and now, I’ve learned that we all need to be doing things “wrong” because that’s how all those other people figured out what didn’t work for them and found the secret to success FOR THEM.

I learned that we must find change making in our own hearts, not externally.


What is so interesting to me, when I reflect on this last year, is that this is exactly what I work with for my clients and teams.  Finding the things that light them up and developing the systems, frameworks, and beliefs that give them the flexibility to do things in ways that work for them. 

A year and a half into my business and I am realizing (like I have about many other things in life,) that I just need to stop doing what everyone else has wanted me to do and start doing what feels right and what works for me. That I need to start exploring new solutions and getting curious about my own feelings and ideas. I’ve learned to take time to wonder, and explore, to try new things and section out time to be creative without needing to put a value to the time I’m spending. I learned that I can create change makers simply by inspiring them about their own hopes and dreams and accepting those for what they are.

What now, change maker?

If you’re here too – if this is where you’re at from a business perspective OR a personal perspective, I would love to have you join this little community I’ve started on the Perspective Shifter’s hub.  I invite you to come and share your perspectives. I invite you to become a change maker. This is a safe place to get different perspectives when you need help and to learn how to affect change in the rest of the world.  None of us promise to have all the right answers about everything, but we’ll help you figure out what will work for you, and help you learn about new solutions that you can explore. Click Here to Join The Perspective Shifters Hub

I’m leading by example now and finding wonder in the Day to day. In any given week, you can find me writing about the things I wonder about or creating entirely new worlds.  I am sharing perspectives on the hub, asking questions with clients, roaming in my yard and garden, exploring a patch of woody area near me, or with my nose in a book, because what better way to explore than through books, conversation, and nature?

To make change, I believe we must get back to what makes us human.  The thrill of our experiences, the wonder of others and the unexplored. I firmly believe that change begins with unsatiated curiosity.  If you don’t believe me, go spend some time with children… Let them ask a bazillion questions and show you the wonder in a flower on the playground or experience the joy of hanging upside down on the monkey bars.

Let’s go put our feet in the grass and the sand, feel the wind on our face, and start a conversation with a stranger… lets go make change.

Some upcoming event suggestions for you:

Peel back limiting beliefs around Money and Abundance:

Are you ready for a profound transformation in your relationship with money? It’s time to turn the page on the beliefs that have kept you in a cycle of scarcity, stress, and insecurity. I’m inviting you to an exclusive event designed to create a pivotal shift in your financial and personal life –  Abundance Alchemy: Shifting Money Beliefs virtual event will be LIVE Saturday, May 25th at 1pm ET/12pm CT/ 10am PT

At the heart of this transformative group session, I am committed to guiding you through an impactful journey to erase the deeply ingrained belief that Money is a Burden. This session is not just about theory; it’s about real, tangible change. We’ll dive deep into the internal and external conflicts this belief has sparked, including the pervasive feelings of lack, stress, anxiety, and feeling trapped.

But we won’t stop there.

Together, we will harmonize the energies within you that conflict over trust, abandonment, contempt, failure, imposter syndrome, and the burdens of expectation and responsibilities, fears of being taken advantage of, and the compulsion towards people-pleasing.

This session is designed to lavishly nourish your soul and realign your spirit, transforming your relationship with money into one that embodies partnership, support, and resourcefulness.

Imagine replacing the weight of financial worries with the freedom to allow and accept more money into your life and business. This is not just a dream—it’s a transformation awaiting you.

Register here: https://majikllc.vipmembervault.com/af/177616488/1167547

Heal your business Aura and breakthrough the energy blocks:

This is a complimentary group Business Code Breaker energy session working with five dimensions of frequencies to clear any blocks we find. Denise Cambiotti will be working with us and scanning over 370 aspects organized into 7 pillars of business. 

Just show up with a desired business goal. (If you need help with this just reach out to Denise, Stephanie, or another one of our Experts.)

Join us May 21st at 4:00 PACIFIC Daylight Time.

Denise normally charges $30 per person for this event, but is bringing this to us at no cost to hub members.

I’ve personally attended one of her other events and it’s a really neat way to release a bunch of negative stuff and gain fresh insights and energy towards your business.

 If you’d like to connect with Denise on LinkedIn, here’s her profile link:

http://www.linkedin.com/in/denise-cambiotti or on

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/denise.cambiotti

Automate your email campaigns and free up time to do other things:

Are you struggling with managing your email marketing?

As a small business owner, you know the importance of email marketing. But between juggling multiple tasks and wearing different hats, crafting effective email campaigns and managing them consistently can feel like an overwhelming chore.

You’re left wondering:

  • “How can I free up more time to focus on other aspects of my business?”
  • “How can I create emails that actually resonate with my audience and drive results?”
  • “How can I automate my email marketing to work smarter, not harder?”

The Solution: Mastering Email Automation

Our 4-week Email Automation Bootcamp is specifically designed to empower busy small business owners like you to take control of their email marketing and achieve real results.

Learn more here: https://www.perspectiveshifters.com/email-automation-bootcamp

Stephanie Kunkel

Stephanie Kunkel


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