I hope that if you're reading this, you're doing well. However, the current statistics on mental health challenges are somewhat alarming. I would guess that, if you're reading this, you've been giving some serious thought and consideration to getting coaching or some other type of help in the...
Change your Perspective on Money Matters.
Your Environment Impacts Your Finances, You can change your perspective though. I grew up in a hardworking but poor family environment, and maybe "poor" is a bit too strong a word. I don't really remember not having the things I needed. There were always the basics like food, water, clothing, and...
Tipping the Scales of Work-Life Balance
Are you or your team tipping the scales of “work-life balance”?
We are in the midst of a mental health crisis and 59% of your employees are quiet quitting, 18% of your employees are loud quitting, and your teams are telling you that they’re washed up, burned out, needing mental health days (or weeks) and you feel out of control.
Change Making isn’t for Everyone
To the change making dreamers and the doers, I say to you – Why not? I’ve dreamt of the impossible… over and over again. I’ve been told to get my head out of the clouds, to stop “thinking” and start “doing.” That I’d never “get anywhere” if I didn’t “get real” and “buckle down” on the things I...
Money Attachments
In the typical day to day we trade time for money, Things like effort and labor (time and physical or mental energy) or skills and knowledge (the time to learn and hone the skill) add to our value and perceived worthiness. And yet, the average American works 34 hours a week, and makes an average of $59,384 per year. ($33.59 an hour.)
Gratitude is a Practice
You’ll notice I said practice right? Practice is a process – it’s not a perfect thing, it’s not a task that’s done and over once it’s done and over.. it’s a process of performing an action repeatedly and through that process learning… In the perspective shifters group right now we’re talking about energy and intention – This plays into that.